Roman Sarcophagus

Roman Sarcophagus

Roman Sarcophagus

The Roman Sarcophagus, as it is exhibited at the archaeological site of Alyki. Here, and at around the 2nd or 3rd century AD, a young virgin was buried. On the west side, an inscription with fifteen verses is visible, while on the north side of the sarcophagus, you can see a carved ancient ship, similar to the ones which were used to carry and trade the marbles of the region.

With the exception of this sarcophagus, as well as few tombstones, there is nothing else spotted or found from the ancient settlement.

The text of the inscription is considered to be the words of a girl who died before she could get married. This information was provided to us by the same deceased young girl who according to the verses, she says “I, as well as the other virgins, didn’t feel at all the pleasures of the delightful dances. And this happened because my mother mourned for my death very early. And my father did not accompany me together with a young man, to the bridal chamber "(verses 9-12). According to the beliefs of the time, dead virgins were able to communicate with the living, and this is due to the fact that at another point on the inscription we read that: "God gives the right to the virgins, even after their death, to be able to talk to all people, as if they were alive "(verses 7-8).


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