
Full Route of Alyki from Limena

The selected route in order to see Alykes of Thassos, includes a tour in the homonymous archaeological site of the Classical and Roman period, and the two existing early Christian basilicas. It gives you the chance to learn about the historical and economic development of this area, which includes important archaeological findings of all time. The area is described as the "Open Museum of Ancient Technology" and the visitors are given the opportunity to become familiar with the ancient techniques of marble quarrying, which even today, is an important economic resource for the island. In addition, the ancient sanctuary, the two Early Christian churches and various quarrying techniques using cranes, are presented in detail through topographic and designing drawings, which guide visitors and help them understand better the area.

Average Duration: 47:12

Points of Interest

  1. 1. Entrance to Alyki from the port
  2. 7. Entrance of the Archaeological Site
  3. 8. Roman Sarcophagus
  4. 9. The ancient sanctuary (also called \"The Sanctuary of Dioscouri\")
  5. 10. Worshiping cave of the ancient times
  6. 11. Early Christian basilicas
  7. 12. Northern Basilica. Ruins of an older one-room chapel
  8. 13. Group B Quarries
  9. 14. Quarry of Group A. Ancient carving on the rock depicting a ship
  10. 15. Quarry of Group A. Ancient carving on the rock depicting a ship
  11. 16. Quarry of Group B (east side)
  12. 17. Quarry of Group A (Peninsula Interior)
  13. 18. Quarrying techniques during the Roman era
  14. 19. Quarries. Position of Sign A
  15. 20. Quarries of Group C
  16. 21. Quarries of Group C
  17. 22. Quarry of Group C. Quarrying Techniques
  18. 23. Quarries of phase C. Crane attachment points
  19. 24. Position of sign B. Quarry of Group C. Quarrying techniques, bindings, Counterweights, Cranes
  20. 25. West Bay: bindings
  21. 26. Christian worshiping cave of Panagia


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